
Full Version: xXx Aimbot xXx
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Hello, OMA

Here is a small script I made today(the Aimbot() one, the other one I made it some time ago, not today). I made it to satisfy @raminr63 code request.

What it does?:

- No recoil and no spread on weapon while aiming with sights.
- When you click right mouse button it will aim the closest player in your Field of View(so, no auto 180 headshots).
- Detects Riot Shields.
- The player must be visible(with some thin walls it can fails).
- Aims more or less smoothly the players head(sometimes is not 100% accurate)

    self endon( "death" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    target = undefined;
    self setSpreadOverride( 0 );
    self player_recoilScaleOn( 0 );
        target = self getClosestPlayer();
        if ( self AdsButtonPressed() )
            angulation = VectorToAngles( target getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) - self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) );
            firstangles = ( ( angulation[0] - self.angles[0] ) / 3, ( ( angulation[1] + self.angles[1] + 720 ) / 2 ) - 360, 0 );
            self setPlayerAngles( abs( ( firstangles[0], firstangles[1], 0 ) ) );    
            wait 0.05;    
            self setPlayerAngles( ( angulation[0], angulation[1], 0 ) );
            if ( target getCurrentWeapon() == "riotshield_mp" && self AttackButtonPressed() )
                MagicBullet( self getCurrentWeapon(), target.origin + ( 0, 0, 40 ), target.origin, self );
    wait 0.05;

    ptarget = undefined;
    shortest = undefined;
      for ( index = 0; index < level.players.size; index++ )
        player = level.players[index];
        if ( player.sessionstate != "playing" )
        if( !bulletTracePassed( self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ), player getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) + ( 0, 0, 40 ), false, self ) )
        if( !isAlive( player ) )
        if ( VectorDot( anglesToForward( self.angles ), VectorNormalize( player.origin - self.origin ) ) <= 0.766 )
        if ( player.pers["team"] != self.pers["team"] )
            if ( distance( self.origin, player.origin ) < 99999999999999 )
                if ( !isDefined( shortest ) )
                    ptarget = player;
                    shortest = distance( self.origin, player.origin );
                    if ( distance( self.origin, player.origin ) < shortest )
                        shortest = distance( self.origin, player.origin );
                        ptarget = player;
    return ptarget;

If you like it, I think I can improve it, for any suggestion tell him -> OMA

Thanks for reading
(01-12-2012, 17:57)Yamato Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, OMA

Here is a small script I made today(the Aimbot() one, the other one I made it some time ago, not today). I made it to satisfy @raminr63 code request.

What it does?:

- No recoil and no spread on weapon while aiming with sights.
- When you click right mouse button it will aim the closest player in your Field of View(so, no auto 180 headshots).
- Detects Riot Shields.
- The player must be visible(with some thin walls it can fails).
- Aims more or less smoothly the players head(sometimes is not 100% accurate)


If you like it, I think I can improve it, for any suggestion tell him -> OMA

Thanks for reading

Looks good, could use some optimizations though.

ex. Replace

I like more the distance function, is the one I use in most of my codes. Wink
When I saw the thread title I was like 'Yay another thread that I can delete'
But sadly, no.
Anyway, GJ
(01-12-2012, 19:20)jariz Wrote: [ -> ]When I saw the thread title I was like 'Yay another thread that I can delete'
But sadly, no.
Anyway, GJ

I like using my mod powers Smile
is that illegal?
Quote:If you like it, I think I can improve it, for any suggestion tell him -> OMA

Thanks for reading

Thanks Yamato , OMA
i love you man. good work.
Yamato is it possible to use randomly AimBone because it's use only j_head !!

my means such as this cod: ( you know better than me Big Grin)

---> gettagorigin(self.AimBone[self.PickedNum])

self thread AimBonerArray();

    self endon("death");
    self.AimBone= [];
    self.AimBone[0] = "tag_origin";
    self.AimBone[1] = "j_mainroot";
    self.AimBone[2] = "pelvis";
    self.AimBone[3] = "j_hip_le";
    self.AimBone[4] = "j_hip_ri";
    self.AimBone[5] = "torso_stabilizer";
    self.AimBone[6] = "j_chin_skinroll";
    self.AimBone[7] = "back_low";
    self.AimBone[8] = "j_knee_le";
    self.AimBone[9] = "j_knee_ri";
    self.AimBone[10] = "back_mid";
    self.AimBone[11] = "j_ankle_le";
    self.AimBone[12] = "j_ankle_ri";
    self.AimBone[13] = "j_ball_le";
    self.AimBone[14] = "j_ball_ri";
    self.AimBone[15] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[16] = "j_clavicle_le";
    self.AimBone[17] = "j_clavicle_ri";
    self.AimBone[18] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[19] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[20] = "j_shoulder_le";
    self.AimBone[21] = "j_shoulder_ri";
    self.AimBone[22] = "j_elbow_bulge_le";
    self.AimBone[23] = "j_elbow_bulge_ri";
    self.AimBone[24] = "j_elbow_le";
    self.AimBone[25] = "j_elbow_ri";
    self.AimBone[26] = "j_shouldertwist_le";
    self.AimBone[27] = "j_shouldertwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[28] = "j_wrist_le";
    self.AimBone[29] = "j_wrist_ri";
    self.AimBone[30] = "j_wristtwist_le";
    self.AimBone[31] = "j_wristtwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[32] = "j_index_le_1";
    self.AimBone[33] = "j_index_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[34] = "j_mid_le_1";
    self.AimBone[35] = "j_mid_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[36] = "j_pinky_le_1";
    self.AimBone[37] = "j_pinky_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[38] = "j_ring_le_1";
    self.AimBone[39] = "j_ring_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[40] = "j_thumb_le_1";
    self.AimBone[41] = "j_thumb_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[42] = "tag_weapon_left";
    self.AimBone[43] = "tag_weapon_right";
    self.AimBone[44] = "j_index_le_2";
    self.AimBone[45] = "j_index_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[46] = "j_mid_le_2";
    self.AimBone[47] = "j_mid_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[48] = "j_pinky_le_2";
    self.AimBone[49] = "j_pinky_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[50] = "j_ring_le_2";
    self.AimBone[51] = "j_ring_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[52] = "j_thumb_le_2";
    self.AimBone[53] = "j_thumb_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[54] = "j_index_le_3";
    self.AimBone[55] = "j_index_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[56] = "j_mid_le_3";
    self.AimBone[57] = "j_mid_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[58] = "j_pinky_le_3";
    self.AimBone[59] = "j_pinky_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[60] = "j_ring_le_3";
    self.AimBone[61] = "j_ring_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[62] = "j_thumb_le_3";
    self.AimBone[63] = "j_thumb_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[64] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[65] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[66] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[67] = "j_cheek_le";
    self.AimBone[68] = "j_cheek_ri";
    self.AimBone[69] = "j_head_end";
    self.AimBone[70] = "j_jaw";
    self.AimBone[71] = "j_levator_le";
    self.AimBone[72] = "j_levator_ri";
    self.AimBone[73] = "j_lip_top_le";
    self.AimBone[74] = "j_lip_top_ri";
    self.AimBone[75] = "j_mouth_le";
    self.AimBone[76] = "j_mouth_ri";
    self.AimBone[77] = "tag_eye";

(01-12-2012, 20:22)raminr63 Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:If you like it, I think I can improve it, for any suggestion tell him -> OMA

Thanks for reading

Thanks Yamato , OMA
i love you man. good work.
Yamato is it possible to use randomly AimBone because it's use only j_head !!

my means such as this cod: ( you know better than me Big Grin)

---> gettagorigin(self.AimBone[self.PickedNum])

self thread AimBonerArray();

    self endon("death");
    self.AimBone= [];
    self.AimBone[0] = "tag_origin";
    self.AimBone[1] = "j_mainroot";
    self.AimBone[2] = "pelvis";
    self.AimBone[3] = "j_hip_le";
    self.AimBone[4] = "j_hip_ri";
    self.AimBone[5] = "torso_stabilizer";
    self.AimBone[6] = "j_chin_skinroll";
    self.AimBone[7] = "back_low";
    self.AimBone[8] = "j_knee_le";
    self.AimBone[9] = "j_knee_ri";
    self.AimBone[10] = "back_mid";
    self.AimBone[11] = "j_ankle_le";
    self.AimBone[12] = "j_ankle_ri";
    self.AimBone[13] = "j_ball_le";
    self.AimBone[14] = "j_ball_ri";
    self.AimBone[15] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[16] = "j_clavicle_le";
    self.AimBone[17] = "j_clavicle_ri";
    self.AimBone[18] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[19] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[20] = "j_shoulder_le";
    self.AimBone[21] = "j_shoulder_ri";
    self.AimBone[22] = "j_elbow_bulge_le";
    self.AimBone[23] = "j_elbow_bulge_ri";
    self.AimBone[24] = "j_elbow_le";
    self.AimBone[25] = "j_elbow_ri";
    self.AimBone[26] = "j_shouldertwist_le";
    self.AimBone[27] = "j_shouldertwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[28] = "j_wrist_le";
    self.AimBone[29] = "j_wrist_ri";
    self.AimBone[30] = "j_wristtwist_le";
    self.AimBone[31] = "j_wristtwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[32] = "j_index_le_1";
    self.AimBone[33] = "j_index_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[34] = "j_mid_le_1";
    self.AimBone[35] = "j_mid_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[36] = "j_pinky_le_1";
    self.AimBone[37] = "j_pinky_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[38] = "j_ring_le_1";
    self.AimBone[39] = "j_ring_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[40] = "j_thumb_le_1";
    self.AimBone[41] = "j_thumb_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[42] = "tag_weapon_left";
    self.AimBone[43] = "tag_weapon_right";
    self.AimBone[44] = "j_index_le_2";
    self.AimBone[45] = "j_index_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[46] = "j_mid_le_2";
    self.AimBone[47] = "j_mid_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[48] = "j_pinky_le_2";
    self.AimBone[49] = "j_pinky_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[50] = "j_ring_le_2";
    self.AimBone[51] = "j_ring_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[52] = "j_thumb_le_2";
    self.AimBone[53] = "j_thumb_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[54] = "j_index_le_3";
    self.AimBone[55] = "j_index_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[56] = "j_mid_le_3";
    self.AimBone[57] = "j_mid_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[58] = "j_pinky_le_3";
    self.AimBone[59] = "j_pinky_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[60] = "j_ring_le_3";
    self.AimBone[61] = "j_ring_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[62] = "j_thumb_le_3";
    self.AimBone[63] = "j_thumb_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[64] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[65] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[66] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[67] = "j_cheek_le";
    self.AimBone[68] = "j_cheek_ri";
    self.AimBone[69] = "j_head_end";
    self.AimBone[70] = "j_jaw";
    self.AimBone[71] = "j_levator_le";
    self.AimBone[72] = "j_levator_ri";
    self.AimBone[73] = "j_lip_top_le";
    self.AimBone[74] = "j_lip_top_ri";
    self.AimBone[75] = "j_mouth_le";
    self.AimBone[76] = "j_mouth_ri";
    self.AimBone[77] = "tag_eye";


Here you go, it will shot random tags:

    self endon( "death" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    target = undefined;
    self setSpreadOverride( 0 );
    self player_recoilScaleOn( 0 );
    self.AimBone= [];
    self.AimBone[0] = "tag_origin";
    self.AimBone[1] = "j_mainroot";
    self.AimBone[2] = "pelvis";
    self.AimBone[3] = "j_hip_le";
    self.AimBone[4] = "j_hip_ri";
    self.AimBone[5] = "torso_stabilizer";
    self.AimBone[6] = "j_chin_skinroll";
    self.AimBone[7] = "back_low";
    self.AimBone[8] = "j_knee_le";
    self.AimBone[9] = "j_knee_ri";
    self.AimBone[10] = "back_mid";
    self.AimBone[11] = "j_ankle_le";
    self.AimBone[12] = "j_ankle_ri";
    self.AimBone[13] = "j_ball_le";
    self.AimBone[14] = "j_ball_ri";
    self.AimBone[15] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[16] = "j_clavicle_le";
    self.AimBone[17] = "j_clavicle_ri";
    self.AimBone[18] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[19] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[20] = "j_shoulder_le";
    self.AimBone[21] = "j_shoulder_ri";
    self.AimBone[22] = "j_elbow_bulge_le";
    self.AimBone[23] = "j_elbow_bulge_ri";
    self.AimBone[24] = "j_elbow_le";
    self.AimBone[25] = "j_elbow_ri";
    self.AimBone[26] = "j_shouldertwist_le";
    self.AimBone[27] = "j_shouldertwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[28] = "j_wrist_le";
    self.AimBone[29] = "j_wrist_ri";
    self.AimBone[30] = "j_wristtwist_le";
    self.AimBone[31] = "j_wristtwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[32] = "j_index_le_1";
    self.AimBone[33] = "j_index_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[34] = "j_mid_le_1";
    self.AimBone[35] = "j_mid_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[36] = "j_pinky_le_1";
    self.AimBone[37] = "j_pinky_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[38] = "j_ring_le_1";
    self.AimBone[39] = "j_ring_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[40] = "j_thumb_le_1";
    self.AimBone[41] = "j_thumb_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[42] = "tag_weapon_left";
    self.AimBone[43] = "tag_weapon_right";
    self.AimBone[44] = "j_index_le_2";
    self.AimBone[45] = "j_index_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[46] = "j_mid_le_2";
    self.AimBone[47] = "j_mid_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[48] = "j_pinky_le_2";
    self.AimBone[49] = "j_pinky_ri_2";    
    self.AimBone[50] = "j_ring_le_2";
    self.AimBone[51] = "j_ring_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[52] = "j_thumb_le_2";
    self.AimBone[53] = "j_thumb_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[54] = "j_index_le_3";
    self.AimBone[55] = "j_index_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[56] = "j_mid_le_3";
    self.AimBone[57] = "j_mid_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[58] = "j_pinky_le_3";
    self.AimBone[59] = "j_pinky_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[60] = "j_ring_le_3";
    self.AimBone[61] = "j_ring_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[62] = "j_thumb_le_3";
    self.AimBone[63] = "j_thumb_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[64] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[65] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[66] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[67] = "j_cheek_le";
    self.AimBone[68] = "j_cheek_ri";
    self.AimBone[69] = "j_head_end";
    self.AimBone[70] = "j_jaw";
    self.AimBone[71] = "j_levator_le";
    self.AimBone[72] = "j_levator_ri";
    self.AimBone[73] = "j_lip_top_le";
    self.AimBone[74] = "j_lip_top_ri";
    self.AimBone[75] = "j_mouth_le";
    self.AimBone[76] = "j_mouth_ri";
    self.AimBone[77] = "tag_eye";
        target = self getClosestPlayer();
        if ( self AdsButtonPressed() )
            angulation = VectorToAngles( target getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) - self getTagOrigin( self.AimBone[ RandomInt( self.AimBone.size ) ] ) );
            firstangles = ( ( angulation[0] - self.angles[0] ) / 3, ( ( angulation[1] + self.angles[1] + 720 ) / 2 ) - 360, 0 );
            self setPlayerAngles( abs( ( firstangles[0], firstangles[1], 0 ) ) );    
            wait 0.05;    
            self setPlayerAngles( ( angulation[0], angulation[1], 0 ) );
            if ( target getCurrentWeapon() == "riotshield_mp" && self AttackButtonPressed() )
                MagicBullet( self getCurrentWeapon(), target.origin + ( 0, 0, 40 ), target.origin, self );
    wait 0.05;

    ptarget = undefined;
    shortest = undefined;
      for ( index = 0; index < level.players.size; index++ )
        player = level.players[index];
        if ( player.sessionstate != "playing" )
        if( !bulletTracePassed( self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ), player getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) + ( 0, 0, 40 ), false, self ) )
        if( !isAlive( player ) )
        if ( VectorDot( anglesToForward( self.angles ), VectorNormalize( player.origin - self.origin ) ) <= 0.766 )
        if ( player.pers["team"] != self.pers["team"] )
            if ( distance( self.origin, player.origin ) < 99999999999999 )
                if ( !isDefined( shortest ) )
                    ptarget = player;
                    shortest = distance( self.origin, player.origin );
                    if ( distance( self.origin, player.origin ) < shortest )
                        shortest = distance( self.origin, player.origin );
                        ptarget = player;
    return ptarget;
thanks bout not work it always take j_head...
Another OMA release if wasnt him mw2 would be dead, keep up the good work man.

Thanks Barata...
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