
Full Version: if end bullettrace is bigger/passed the map
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hello, I am asking
is there thing to write:if end of bullettrace passed the map? like:
if(endbullettrace > (level.mapSize/5.625))

and either can I write if end of bullettrace passed specific Z/height axis? like:
if(endbullettrace > (0, 0, -1000))

help me plz!![/font]
dunno but i think u need to add .origin
Not sure but it might return the skybox as trace[ "entity" ] so .. if it does .. then just use if( trace[ "entity" ] == "skybox name blablabla" )
I think I found

but could I write
if(bullettracepassed(self.origin, (level.mapSize/5.625),  true, undefined))

does (level.mapSize/5.625) returns vector scale are angles?

if not then what I write for mapsize origin?
I am not very sure if this works:

if(Trace["position"].origin[2] > -1000)

Anyway, I think that skyboxes are entities, because when you shot magicbullets to them, magicbullets explode, Cool
Skyboxes aren't entities
(09-06-2011, 13:46)Pozzuh Wrote: [ -> ]Skyboxes aren't entities

Ohh, good to know, and also, if you find a OMA, you have to call it as Trace["GOD"]
                self waittill ( "weapon_fired" );
                location = aim(); // aim = the end location
                if(distance(self.origin, location) < 10000)
                    self SetOrigin( location );    