
Full Version: Anti camp script
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One of the many, but here's mine:
    if(getdvarint("scr_anticamp") == 0)
    wait 5;    //spawn wait
    self thread AntiCamp();

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    self endon("disconnect");
    self endon("joined_spectators");
    self endon ( "death" );

    DefaultCampTime = getdvarint("scr_maxcamptime"); //10
    MaxCampTime = DefaultCampTime;
    MinCampTime = getdvarint("scr_mincamptime"); //6
    CampDistance = getdvarint("scr_campdistance"); //50
    CampPunishTime = getdvarint("scr_camppunishtime"); //5
    CampResetTime = (getdvarint("scr_campresettime") - 1) * 1000; //16
    LastCampTime = 0;

        self.pers["camppunishment"] = 0;

    L = 0;
    s = 0;

        old = self.origin;
        wait 1;
        new = self.origin;
        L = distance( new, old );

        if( L > CampDistance )
            c = 0;
        else if( s > (CampPunishTime - 1) )
            //some punishment based on how much times already got punished?
            self punish();
            s = 0;
            c = 0;
        if(c > (MaxCampTime - 1))
            if(s < CampPunishTime)
                iprintln(self, " is Camping!");
                //ping him on radar?
                self iprintlnbold( "^1Stop Camping!" );
                self iprintlnbold( "^1" + (CampPunishTime - s) + "^7 seconds remaining before punishment" );
            LastCampTime = gettime();
            s = 0;
        if(s == 1 && MaxCampTime > MinCampTime)
            MaxCampTime--; //decrease next camp time.
        if( MaxCampTime != DefaultCampTime && ( getTime() - LastCampTime ) > CampResetTime )
            MaxCampTime = DefaultCampTime; //reset camp time

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    self endon("disconnect");
    self endon("joined_spectators");
    self endon ( "death" );

    originX = self.origin[0];
    originY = self.origin[1];
    camparea = getdvarint( "scr_camparea" ); //120

    up = originY + camparea;
    right = originX - camparea;
    left = originX + camparea;
    down = originY - camparea;

    self iprintlnbold( " " );
    self iprintlnbold( " " );
    self iprintlnbold( " " );
    self iprintlnbold( "Move out of your camp area!" );
    self iprintlnbold( "^1Your weapons are disabled while inside." );
    self disableweapons();
    while( self isInSpace(up, right, left, down) )
        wait .05;
    self enableweapons();
    self iprintlnbold( " " );
    self iprintlnbold( " " );
    self iprintlnbold( " " );

isInSpace(front, right, left, rear, bottom, ceiling)
    if( isdefined( bottom ) && isdefined( ceiling ))
        if(self.origin[1] < front && self.origin[1] > rear && self.origin[0] > right && self.origin[0] < left && self.origin[2] < ceiling && self.origin[2] > bottom )
            return true;
    if(self.origin[1] < front && self.origin[1] > rear && self.origin[0] > right && self.origin[0] < left )
        return true;
    return false;
it only works on the first spawn ..
(08-30-2011, 20:02)iAegle Wrote: [ -> ]it only works on the first spawn ..

It's a code snippet.. not a fully working code

(08-30-2011, 20:02)iAegle Wrote: [ -> ]it only works on the first spawn ..

You just got to thread onPlayerSpawn when player is spawned.. How hard can that be xD

(08-30-2011, 20:06)Justin Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-30-2011, 20:02)iAegle Wrote: [ -> ]it only works on the first spawn ..

You just got to thread onPlayerSpawn when player is spawned.. How hard can that be xD

I know, just saying Superman

nice script, personally I would give them a Kill waypoint