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hello im working on an admin mod, useing quickcommands ive made the change map, but I have truble makeing kick menu have no idea how to list their names inside the menu. ive looked in bo ultimate admin system but i couldnt find anything.

heres the menu:

    game[ "lol7" ] = "kick_menu";
    precacheMenu( game[ "lol7" ] );
    level thread onPlayerConnect();

    while( true )
        level waittill( "connected", player );
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

    self endon( "disconnect" );
    while( true )
        self waittill( "spawned_player" );
        self thread onMenuResponse();

    self endon( "death" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    while( true )
        self waittill( "menuresponse", menu, response );

        if( response == "" )

#include "ui/menudef.h"

#define ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGETAB            32 224

        name            "kick_menu"
        fullscreen        0
        rect            0 0 640 480
        focuscolor        1 1 1 1
        disablecolor    0 0 0 0
        style            WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY

            setDvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1"
            setDvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0"

            name            "window_background"
            visible            1
            rect            0 0 224 192
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
             style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            backcolor        0 0 0 0.7975
            name            "window_lines"
            visible            1
            rect            3 0 2 187
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125
            name            "window_lines"
            visible            1
            rect            219 0 2 187
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125
            name            "window_lines"
            visible            1
            rect            5 0 214 2
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125
            name            "window_lines"
            visible            1
            rect            3 187 218 2
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125

            name            "title"
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            0 0 224 32
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGETAB
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            backcolor        0 0 0 0.7975
            text            "^2Admin Menu"
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        24
            textalign        ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER
            name            "title_quickmessage_gray"
            visible            1
            rect            3 3 218 29
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGETAB
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125

            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 20 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            "^31 ^7"
        execKey "1" { scriptMenuResponse ""; close kick_menu }
            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 36 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            ""
        execKey "2" { scriptMenuResponse "2"; close kick_menu }
            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 52 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            ""
        execKey "3" { scriptMenuResponse "3"; close kick_menu }
            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 68 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            ""
        execKey "4" { scriptMenuResponse "4"; close kick_menu }
            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 84 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            ""
        execKey "5" { scriptMenuResponse "5"; close kick_menu }
            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 100 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            ""
        execKey "6" { scriptMenuResponse "6"; close kick_menu }

            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 116 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            ""
        execKey "7" { scriptMenuResponse "7"; close kick_menu }
            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 132 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            ""
        execKey "8" { scriptMenuResponse "8"; close kick_menu }
            name            "window"
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 148 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            "^1ESC^7 to ^1EXIT"
Dude the menu and the script shouldnt be in the same file! Check iAegle's tutorial again
just made an exable quick
guys please help me out
just download kick system and see codes?
cant fit it into my menu :/
ah poor birdplane