
Full Version: Make maps for OMA Zombie Mod
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A small tutorial for people who is interested in helping. Ill tell how to make a quick mapedit on this zombie mod:

1-Go into _bot.gsc and find this, remove the // infront of self thread Coordinates();.

    self endon( "disconnect" );

        self waittill( "spawned_player" );
        self setOrigin(level.reaparicion+(randomInt(50),randomInt(50),0)); = 100;
        self.maxhealth = 100;
        self thread Vision();
        //self thread Coordinates();

2- Go into game and you will see that coordinates and angles show in screen and you also have UFO by pressing N. Find spots.

3- In _bot.gsc, in init(), you see something like this, add another one with the map you want to make:
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_afghan")

4- Define this:
level.cuerpo = "model that zombie use in that map";
level.reaparicion = (human spawnpoint);
level.pared = 0; //with 0 is like nukems ai zombies, only if you are in their fov they attack you, with 1 they will come after you always, I recomend 0 if your edit is in a house or something like that. = "vision you want to use";
level.lugares = []; //you can have all the ones you want, this are the zombie spawn points
level.lugares[0] = (zombie spot 1);
level.lugares[1] = (zombie spot 2);
level.lugares[2] = (zombie spot 3);
level.lugares[3] = (zombie spot 4);
AmmoMatic((position),(angles)); //Ammo Box

5- In _randomweaponbox.gsc go into this 2 threads, find the map and put the coordinates and angles like the ammo box:


Save and you are done, a quick edited map edit. Big Grin
We really want to edit those things
But we need first some examples of every thing we need to fill in because we really got no idea to start even with this tutorial :$ sorry
(07-22-2011, 12:30)jorricks Wrote: [ -> ]We really want to edit those things
But we need first some examples of every thing we need to fill in because we really got no idea to start even with this tutorial :$ sorry

Look other examples in the mod, on _bot.gsc