
Full Version: how can I install the admin menu ?
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Hello Smile

I don't understand how to install this menu :

// I monitor each button separate because it responds faster!
        self endon( "disconnect" );
        self thread monitorButn_A();
        self thread monitorDpad_1();
        self thread monitorDpad_2();
        self thread monitorDpad_3();
                self waittill( "spawned_player" );
                self thread openMenu();

        self endon( "death" );
        self endon( "disconnect" );
        self.menuOpen = 0;
        while( self.menuOpen == 0 )
                self waittill( "Left" );
                self runMenu( "Menu Title", "Option 1|Option 2|Option 3|Option 4|Add Option|Add Option" );

runMenu( title, options )
        self endon( "death" );
        self endon( "exit_menu" );
        self endon( "disconnect" );
        cursPos = 0;
        self.menuOpen = 1;
        menuText = strTok( options, "|" );
        self DisableWeapons();
        self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 0 );

        titleDisp = self createFontString( "objective", 2.5 );
        titleDisp setPoint( "TOPLEFT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 );
        titleDisp setText( title );
        self thread destroyEvent( titleDisp, "death", "exit_menu" );
        while( self.menuOpen )
                string = "";
                for( i=0; i<menuText.size; i++ )
                        if( cursPos == i ) string += "^2" + menuText[i] + "\n";
                        else string += "^7" + menuText[i] + "\n";
                menuDisp = self createFontString( "default", 2 );
                menuDisp setPoint( "TOPLEFT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 60 );
                menuDisp setText( string );
                self thread destroyEvent( menuDisp, "death", "Up", "Down", "A", "exit_menu" );
                button = self waittill_any_return( "Up", "Down", "A", "Left" );
                switch( button )
                case "Up":
                case "Down":
                case "A":
                        self thread runFunc( menuText[cursPos] );
                case "Left":
                        self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 1 );
                        self enableweapons();
                        self.menuOpen = 0;
                        self notify( "exit_menu" );
                cursPos *= ( cursPos > 0 )*( cursPos < menuText.size );

runFunc( input )
        switch( input )
        case "Option 1":
        case "Option 2":
        case "Option 3":
        case "Option 4":

destroyEvent( input, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5 )
        self waittill_any_return( e1, e2, e3, e4, e5 );
        input destroy();

        self endon("disconnect");
                if(self ActionSlotOneButtonPressed()) self notify("Up");
                wait 0.0001;

        self endon("disconnect");
                if(self ActionSlotTwoButtonPressed()) self notify("Down");
                wait 0.0001;

        self endon("disconnect");
                if(self ActionSlotThreeButtonPressed()) self notify("Left");
                wait 0.0001;

        self endon("disconnect");
                if(self JumpButtonPressed()) self notify("A");
                wait 0.0001;

        self endon( "death" );
        self endon( "disconnect" );
        self.menuOpen = 0;
        while( self.menuOpen == 0 )
                self waittill( "Left" );
                self changeMenu( 1, "Main Menu", "SubMenu 1|SubMenu 2|SubMenu 3|SubMenu 4" );

runMenu( title, options )
        self endon( "death" );
        self endon( "exit_menu" );
        self endon( "disconnect" );
        cursPos = 0;
        menuText = strTok( options, "|" );
        self DisableWeapons();
        self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 0 );

        titleDisp = self createFontString( "objective", 2.5 );
        titleDisp setPoint( "TOPLEFT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 );
        titleDisp setText( title );
        self thread destroyEvent( titleDisp, "death", "exit_menu" );
        while( self.menuOpen )
                string = "";
                for( i=0; i<menuText.size; i++ )
                        if( cursPos == i ) string += "^2" + menuText[i] + "\n";
                        else string += "^7" + menuText[i] + "\n";
                menuDisp = self createFontString( "default", 2 );
                menuDisp setPoint( "TOPLEFT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 60 );
                menuDisp setText( string );
                self thread destroyEvent( menuDisp, "death", "Up", "Down", "A", "exit_menu" );
                button = self waittill_any_return( "Up", "Down", "A", "B", "Left" );
                switch( button )
                case "Up":
                case "Down":
                case "A":
                        self thread runFunc( menuText[cursPos] );
                case "B":
                        // if the menu isn't the main menu B button will call this menu (the same as your main menu setup):
                        if( self.menuOpen != 1 ) self changeMenu( 1, "Main Menu", "SubMenu 1|SubMenu 2|SubMenu 3|SubMenu 4" );
                        else self iPrintlnBold( "Cannot Go Back!" );
                case "Left":
                        self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 1 );
                        self enableweapons();
                        self.menuOpen = 0;
                        self notify( "exit_menu" );
                cursPos *= ( cursPos > 0 )*( cursPos < menuText.size );

runFunc( input )
        switch( input )
        case "SubMenu 1":
                self changeMenu( 2, "SubMenu 1", "option 1|option 2|option 3|option 4" );
        case "SubMenu 2":
                self changeMenu( 3, "SubMenu 2", "option 1|option 2|option 3|option 4" );
        case "SubMenu 3":
                self changeMenu( 4, "SubMenu 3", "option 1|option 2|option 3|option 4" );
        case "SubMenu 4":
                self changeMenu( 5, "SubMenu 4", "option 1|option 2|option 3|option 4" );

changeMenu( menu, title, options )
        self.menuOpen = 0;
        self notify( "exit_menu" );
        self.menuOpen = menu;
        self runMenu( title, options );

maybe someone can me explain how the installed ?

Thanks if you can help.
copy the functions somewhere in _rank, and add the code to onplayerspawned in _rank.gsc
PS. i dont know if that menu is broken, test it with a friend before releasing a mod with it. for example, alistair's admin enu is broken now -> everybody can use it and it unfortunately works Sad