
Full Version: I am having problems with this sleight of hand code
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When I put fast reload in it always say unknown function

self giveweapon ( "python_mp");
self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "python_mp", 24 );
self giveweapon ( "hatchet_mp");
self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "hatchet_mp", 8 );
self giveweapon ( "knife_mp");
self clearperks();
self setPerk ("specialty_fastreload");

there is my code whats the problem?
You mean you want SOH pro ?

self setPerk("specialty_fastads");
self setPerk("specialty_fastreload");

I'm not sure for a lot of them but those are the two you need for SOH pro.Does any1 have a full list for pro perks that could be useful.
Try Syntax Checker.