
Full Version: trouble with kamikaze plane radiusdamage
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hey guys im haveing issues with radiusdamage, it work's just how it should in all maps but in summit , array and radaition it wil only damage or kill you in very few spots in the map "i could only find one place on summit", not sure if it to do with my code or not but here it is
        self endon ("disconnect");
        planes = spawnStruct();
        planes.fx = loadfx("explosions/fx_exp_aerial");
                if(self ActionSlotFourButtonPressed())
                        napalmSelectorSize = getDvarIntDefault( #"scr_napalmSelectorSize", 3000 );
                        self beginLocationNapalmSelection( "map_napalm_selector", napalmSelectorSize, "killstreak_napalm" );
                        self.selectingLocation = true;
                        self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
                        self endLocationselection();
                        self.selectingLocation = false;
                        planes.planemodel = spawn("script_model", self.origin + ( 24950, 17100, 30000 ) );
                        planes.planemodel setModel( "t5_veh_jet_f4_gearup" );
                        planes.planemodel.angles = vectorToAngles( Location - ( self.origin + ( 8000, 5000, 10000 ) ) );
                        planes.planemodel moveto( location + ( 0, 0, 10 ), 2.0 );
                  wait 2.1;
                  PlaySoundAtPosition( "mpl_sd_exp_suitcase_bomb_main", location );
                  Earthquake( 0.5, 4, location, 800 );
                  playfx( planes.fx, planes.planemodel.origin );                   
                  wait 0.5;
                  radiusdamage( location, 800, 500, 1, self );
                  planes.planemodel delete();
        wait .05;
RadiusDamage( <origin>, <range>, <max damage>, <min damage>, [attacker] );
yea im useing that and it works in all other map's radiusdamage( location, 800, 500, 1, self ); am i missing something?
Could be the map selector screwing up.
radiusdamage( location, 500, 500, 75, self );
hmm yea i've tried a few things now but still to the same affect work's fine in most maps but summit ect.. , on a happer note got it to work with mortar selector insted of napam xD,, but why this is crazy what could be stoping it.?