
Full Version: Custom Textures V1.6 by War3zdude92's Texture Team
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Textures V1.6 by the Texture Team

VAC STATUS: Undetected

- Autoinstaller
- Custom Weapons Skins/ Camo's
- Diffrent Menu Backgrounds
- Custom Scopes
- Choices from diffrent player colors.
- Colored Explosives
- Removed Weather Effects
- Improved Reduced Foliage/ Removed Objects
- No HUD blood

How to Use
The Autoinstaller
1). Open the TextureHackInstallerV1.6
2). Select your Call of Duty main folder
3). Select the Features you want
4). Select where you have saved the file
5). (optional) Select where you want your backups to be saved to
6). (optional) Press on 'Play a Song' for some nice music while instaling
7). Click on Apply selected features

How to Install the Custom Stuff
Everything is mapped in order in what .iwd archive you should put the files.
So if the camo/skin/scope etc. is located in a map called: 'iw_07',
Then this tells you you need to install in the 'iw_07.iwd' archive.
The .iwd archives are located in your call of duty modern warfare 2/main

1). Open the .iwd archive with Pakscape, winrar or 7zip (pakscape recommed)
2). Copy the file you want into the correct archive
(so files from iw_04 go in iw_04.iwd, files from iw_07 go into iw_07.iwd).
3). Save the Archive
4). Go ingame and enjoy your new custom stuff!

NOTE: Only add the .iwi files!

Aditional Info About Custom Camo's
Thing you might want to know.
if you install a custom camo, look at the name of the file.
if its called:
then the new camo will replace the old digital camo.

Errors That Might Show up
Files Diffrent From Server
This tells you that you have made an mistake while installing an custom camo/skin.
put back your backups, and give it another try!
if this keeps happening to you with thesame files, contact me at
MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking - View Profile: war3zdude92
I will take a look at the files then, and when needed, support you in installing.

Clicked on Installer, but it doesnt show up
This is caused by the Splash screen (a little image that starts up every time you start the installer)
To resolve it, simply press 'ctrl+alt+del' end the proces of the installer, and it should show up.

If the installer doesn't work for you, unzip the file, and perform a manual installation.

- War3zdude92 (aka archangel)
- Seba Black_Iceee
- House

Thanks allot guys! Couldnt have done it without you.

163.43 MB

Note: If WinRar Cries During UnRar, Open the File with 7-Zip.


[Image: codmw2m20100609222907.png]
[Image: codmw2m20100608023353.png]
please change credits to House, thanks
MegaUpload link added.
Note it's impossible to get banned by external textures ^^
Thanks for sharing
either your REALLLLY good or ur using hacks lol jk

how long does it take to install with auto installer???
thx in advance Wink