
Full Version: Shoot sex doll doesn't work
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what is the problem with my code pls
        self endon("death");

                self waittill ( "weapon_fired" );
                vec = anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles());
                end = (vec[0] * 200000, vec[1] * 200000, vec[2] * 200000);
                SPLOSIONlocation = BulletTrace( self gettagorigin("tag_eye"), self gettagorigin("tag_eye")+end, 0, self)[ "position" ];
                if(self.pickedbullet == 0)
                        sentry = spawn("script_model", SPLOSIONlocation+( 0,0, 0));
                        self setModel( "furniture_blowupdoll01" );

self iPrintlnBold(SPLOSIONlocation);
spawnSM(origin, model, angles)
    ent = spawn("script_model", origin);
    ent setModel(model);
    ent Solid();
    ent CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
        ent.angles = angles;
    return ent;
This model isn't working at all maps.

By the way, I thought it is another advertising. Troll

Put this in Init()

and this to your code:

sentry = spawn("script_model", SPLOSIONlocation+( 0,0, 0));
sentry setModel( "furniture_blowupdoll01" );
Try this.
Model only exists in Estate no?
(03-03-2014, 17:56)DidUknowiPwn Wrote: [ -> ]Model only exists in Estate no?

It also works on Terminal, I cant remember if it does too on other maps.